Monday, June 28, 2021

Faith in God or Faith in Men

Do you have FAITH?

How many claim to have faith because they go to church, study the Bible and believe in God? I'd say almost everyone. God's word and promises are so simple. They're not complicated at all. It is men and their doctrines that complicate things. The teachers, the "intellectual" ones, those whom think they have all the knowledge and know the truth. Sad thing is, when many put the puzzle together, and think they get it right when it comes to explaining scripture, they have a tendency to become self righteous. 

This happens with most believers. When one point of view on scripture, does not agree with the other point of view, walls go up, tensions begin and disputes take place. Some will even say the other is not a Christian. That in itself makes you a non-Christian. Why do you judge your brother, is that what Jesus taught you? Thankfully, Jehovah has put those in my path that don't do this. We can all speak freely, kindly share our view on scripture without feeling criticized. I love to study the Bible and share my view and I love that others do the same.

Sometimes I get it, and sometimes I don't. Sometimes they get it, and sometimes they don't. It's a beautiful thing, because when it's done right, we're all in the spirit and sharing it with LOVE. We have TRUST that God will guide the sheep where they need to be. Patience and not thinking more of oneself than another. God is always watching. That "knowledge" one may think he/she has, in a blink of an eye, can be gone. Maybe the reason you have that knowledge is because God wants to see what you do with it. I see many "intellectual" ones fail at this, constantly.

Why argue?

Why can't a trinitarian believe in the trinity, why can't a unitarian believe in monotheism? If they believe it in their hearts and are leading with love, why does it matter? Don' you trust God enough to know he will correct the way? If they are willing to listen to your explanation of scripture, to your point of view and in turn, you willing to listen to theirs, isn't that wonderful? Maybe they will get it, or maybe it's you who gets it. You had a chance to share your view and your connection with God, and they had a chance to share theirs. If it was done with love, isn't that beautiful?

Having left the JW's, I've dealt with many other religious faiths with varying views. Unitarians that believe in pre-existence and those who don't. Trinitarians themselves have varying views about the trinity. Some who are one step away from believing in monotheism, to the other extreme of "it's impossible". Yet, everyone claims they have it right, they have the truth. If you're not asking, "how is that possible?" then you're not asking the right question. If you've become comfortable with the understanding that you have, that is fine, but don't push it on someone else, especially if you're not willing to listen to the other side of it, and study scripture together with an open mind/heart. 

I've learned many bad things, that I had to unlearn from Unitarians (JW's) and learned many good things from Trinitarians with opposing views to my own. But, I've also learned that both sides rely way too much on mans word and explanation of Bible teachings, instead of relying solely on Jehovah God, and allowing Jesus Christ to guide them in understanding. 

What is one common denominator many have when it comes to religion? 
Is it Faith? 

NO, it's lack of Faith in God. Because one doesn't see it like you, you automatically judge their point of view. "Oh no, your wrong, that's not how it is" or "I can't listen to this, that's not the way it is. It goes against what I believe in." Some even feel their spirituality is threatened because your view is different. How silly is that? If you truly had Faith, would it matter what the view of another is? No. IF YOU HAD FAITH, you would allow them to have their point of view and have enough faith in God, that He will draw them in, you will respect their view and not chastise them for it and have the faith that He will lead them in the right direction, if they are truly open to it. If after reading scripture it's your view that changes, why are you afraid of it? Is it because then you can't follow the view of "men's doctrine" that you've been fed and it conflicts? Remember you are to obey God, not men. If it conflicts, it conflicts for a reason. 

That relationship is between you and God and no one else. 
Don't let their food spoil yours.

When having a civil conversation, sharing one's view with another, you're each dropping a seed. If it's a good seed, God will make it grow...have FAITH in that. It's not your responsibility to make them believers of what you believe, it's your responsibility to share it with kindness and to be open with others about their view.

If it doesn't take root, it doesn't take root. It can be simple misunderstanding. Maybe it was a bad seed...or maybe it was a good seed, but the ground receiving it wasn't fertile. I personally LOVE to hear everyone's view, if they do it properly, with LOVE in their hearts. I've studied with a Christadelphian, we still disagree, but our conversations are civil and respectable and we get along. I've had a long back and forth on a FB group with a trinitarian, he proved his points with scripture and I proved mine...I thought it was beautiful, simply because of how we got along. I now study with several groups that have trinitarian beliefs. I'm not looking to convert anyone to my belief, we're just sharing our views on scripture...simple.

I'm willing to listen, as long as I too have a voice on my view and don't get silenced or disrespected in the process. It's not just JW's who have done that to me, since leaving, I've had others from both sides of the spectrum do the same. Yet, they all claim to have the truth, love and faith in God. If you don't want to hear a persons view in scripture, someone who uses scripture to prove their point, but you want them to listen to yours, then you're no different than a JW who shun and disfellowship their own.

That's not how it should be. One should never be silenced or disrespected for having their own view on what scripture reads. I don't want to convert anyone to anything, I just want to be able to share my view without being silenced, or be put down for it. Just as I would want to hear your view and would never silence or judge you for it.

What is religion, is it not GOD'S HOUSE? 

What does God say will happen to His house? What does Jesus Christ say? It will be torn down and not a stone will be left unturned...the False Prophet ~ Religion. (Matthew24:2) He's talking about you, the religious one, righteous one, the one taking the lead, or forcing people to believe like you. Those who claim to have all the truths, have themselves become false gods, or in the least, they lead others to worship false gods, the sheep being led to the slaughter, without even knowing it. (Ecclesiastes 5:1; Matthew 23:13)

No one has all the truth, their was only one on this earth that did. His name is Jesus Christ ~ He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Please put your faith in him and not in man. By putting your faith in him you are putting your faith in God. Please follow his examples of kindness, humility, humbleness, compassion and LOVE.

What is a false god? 

Is it not the self righteous man whom says "what I believe in, is the truth, follow me"? Then their are many who I've heard say: "So what if they get it wrong sometimes, who else are we going to follow?" My first thought is, Jesus Christ. He's the head of the church, is he not? Along with God Himself. ~ Jehovah, Jeova', Yahweh, or Yehwah.
Whatever you want to call Him, none of us truly know how to say His name properly. Lord is a title, not His name.

In a way, I'm thankful that no one truly knows how to say His name, especially after what the JW's have done to desecrate His name. (treat (a sacred place or thing) with violent disrespect; violate) Some have asked me not use the name "Jehovah" and if I could use God or Yahweh, because it reminds them of JW's, and it makes them feel sad is that? 

As I stated earlier. God's word is the simplest of all things. The Bible is not complicated. The message really is SO SIMPLE...


That's it. Respect your brother and sister regardless of their view. Come together in unity and share the Kingdom Message TOGETHER. Lead by example, show LOVE in your hearts for one another and HAVE FAITH that God will get you there, wherever that may be. If YOU can share Love among yourselves, regardless of  your belief, imagine how many who don't believe in God would become believers, simply by you, the believer, showing love toward each other regardless of belief. PLEASE, respect of one another's understanding and have FAITH. If your intellect gets in the way of your heart, then you're not as smart as you think you are.

What is the KEY to the Kingdom?

Love Jehovah, your GOD and heavenly FATHER and Love your neighbor. Just like with anything, the KEY ingredient is LOVE. Without LOVE you have nothing. God is the head of everything, through Jesus Christ who is the head of the church. All will be resurrected on the last day. So what are you worried about? Teach what he taught you...LOVE. Be humble when sharing your personal view and thoughts on scripture or anything else. Help all people, believers and nonbelievers, not because you have something to gain, but just because. 

FOLLOW YOUR HEART, if it's pure, it will guide you in the right direction. If you do everything in love, you can't go wrong. 

Treat each other as family, a BIG DISFUNCTIONAL FAMILY is what we ALL are, if one is to be saved, it's up to God, not you. Jehovah God the Father, through Jesus Christ, the Son of man, is how we will all be saved from Satan and his demons. HAVE FAITH. (Matthew 24:29) (Romans 10:10-13)

If you want to help save someone, share your kindness, share your love for God and Jesus Christ and lead by example. Simply start by teaching them the basics...LOVE, HOPE and FAITH. The way to teach them that, is by your behavior.

Please see blog post: Captured ~ Soon To Be Free

Lead by example: Simply be KIND to one another.

The main Bible I study is the ASV 1901. and I use the NASB 1995, to help explain things in simpler form. The ASV Bible didn't remove God's name "Jehovah" in the OT (Old Testament) and it didn't add the name "Jehovah" to the NT (New Testament). Regardless, if quotes made in the NT, refer to quotes made from the OT, having had Jehovah's name in it...without the original text of the NT, one can simply deduce it on their own, that the name is there. 

If it says "it is written" then it is referring to the OT. I myself, simply overlooked "it is written" when it came to Romans 14:11 and someone pointed it out to me. I had no problem acknowledging that I overlooked it, and now I can easily share it with others. 

It's up to you, the individual, if you are relying on TRUTH, you will add the name to it in "thought". The following scripture in Romans refers to Jehovah, not Jesus Christ, as in Philippians 2:10, 11.

For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, to me every knee shall bow, And every tongue shall confess to God.

Declare ye, and bring it forth; yea, let them take counsel together: who hath showed this from ancient time? who hath declared it of old? have not I, Jehovah? and there is no God else besides me, a just God and a Saviour; there is none besides me.
Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is none else.
By myself have I sworn, the word is gone forth from my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, that unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear.

It doesn't change my feeling on man taking it upon himself to add the name "Jehovah" to the NT. They shouldn't. Chances are it is in the original texts for the NT, but know one can know this for sure. So, until then, one can simply compare the scripture from the OT that it is referring to and share it. If NT quotes the OT, read the OT verse, before the name was removed. If it's a verse that contains God's name, now you know the difference. 

I will let others decide from themselves if they are willing to accept it. If not, that's between them and God. I did my part and have faith that "at the right time" Jehovah through Jesus Christ will help them. Having Faith that it will happen, is all it takes. 

We have to be consistent. There are many scriptures that speak of "adding to" or "removing from" the Word of God. If you removed God's name "Jehovah" from the should replace it. (All "NEW" versions seem to have done this, including the ASV) If you added God's name to the should remove it. (NWT)  (Proverbs 30:6; Ecclesiastes 3:14; Revelation 22:18)

REMEMBER ~ Faith in God is Faith in His timing.

No man has the right to add anything to the Bible. If God wanted it in there, He would have made those original NT texts available. He has a purpose in everything He does. Trust in it. When the time comes, and if it's meant, He will make the original texts available...have Faith in that. 


Galatians 5:22-23 ASV — But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, self-control; against such there is no law.

Colossians 1:10 ASV — to walk worthily of the Lord unto all pleasing, bearing fruit in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God; you truly have Love in your heart?

God is Love ~ 1 John 4:16
Why did Jesus say these are the two greatest commandments? Love God and your neighbor. ~ Matthew 22:37-39

To all whom claim to be all about the Bible and that their belief is in God....

Ask yourself...If someone doesn't think like you, or agree with you, does the love you show at first, still remain? Does your opinion of them overpower the Love you first had? (James 1:22-25)

Their are many who have wronged me, in many ways, not just religiously, some scars that run very deep, but I forgive them and would still welcome them with open arms, if they have "truly" tried to do the right thing. Forgiveness is important. (Matthew 18:20, 21) If someone wronged you, forgive them.

It's important to ask yourself: "Do I become self righteous when speaking about my faith?"

We originate from God...He is Love. But we're lying at the power of the wicked one...Hate. If you're missing the love, then what do you have? Satan. Because God is LOVE, without Him, all that you do and teach, is pointless.

1 Corinthians 13:1-3 ASV — If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am become sounding brass, or a clanging cymbal. And if I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And if I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and if I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profiteth me nothing.

When you make it about religion or yourself, you're no longer making it about God. How can you say you Love God and Jesus Christ, when you don't know what love is. The temple of God dwells in you, keep it clean. (1 Corinthians 3:16) If teachings of men or your own intellect are more important to you, than matters of the don't have love and Jehovah will keep you blind. I will gladly share my food with you and have no problem with you sharing it with me. (1 Corinthians 8:1-13)

I truly love ALL, it doesn't matter if you're a believer or not, if you're doing "the right thing" or not, we're all imperfect...WE ALL SIN EVERYDAY. As long as I'm here, I will listen to you, I'll never turn away from you just because I disagree with you or your way of living. It doesn't mean I will partake in your ways, but I will be here. (1 Corinthians 9:20-22) If you become toxic, then I will remove (disfellowship) myself from you. (2 John 1:9-11) If I reach out to you and you decide push me away, I will respect your wish and leave.

I will never "associate" the bad others are doing by their behavior or by following false gods...Satan. (Revelation 18:4) This includes what I feel to be false teachings from men, if you're an atheist, agnostic, trinitarian or unitarian. (Ephesians 5:6) Nor will I pay attention to any who exalt themselves above others. (Luke 18:9-14) or those who need to prove themselves more intellectual

Matthew 11:25 ASV — At that season Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou didst hide these things from the wise and understanding, and didst reveal them unto babes:

I believe in the Bible ~ Jehovah God's word and I follow Jesus Christ. 

I will always rely on guidance from Jehovah through Jesus Christ. I was taught well. Do everything in LOVE and keep the FAITH. It's important to Love your family and friends, but don't forget to do the same for your enemy. (Exodus 25:5Mathew 5:44)

May Jehovah bless you...

~ Peace, Love and Joy ~