Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Long Suffering...

Here's a great example of good spiritual food...

Consider Models of Long-Suffering

“God . . . tolerated with much long-suffering vessels of wrath made fit for destruction.”​—ROMANS 9:22.

See blog post: Memories ~ The Cloud

Revelation 12

I've been asked... "Why would Jehovah choose you?" My response "Why not? You believe Jehovah chose 8 men of the GB of JW's, so why couldn't he choose me?" I then asked her to re-examine the recent video put out by brother Lett. That she not just listen to what he says, but to study it, read the scriptures he uses to prove his points. I told her she would soon realize, he doesn't actually back up his teaching with scripture. She said she would revisit the video. It is my hope that she does.

See blog post: Chosen...Heart Condition

So now to actually answer that question properly...

Romans 9 ~

Romans 9:1 ASV — I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience bearing witness with me in the Holy Spirit,

Chosen before they are born, not after being baptized and performing many years in service, as taught by the GB Member of JW - Brother Lett...

Romans 9:11 ASV — for the children being not yet born, neither having done anything good or bad, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth,

Romans 9:15-16 ASV — For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion. So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that hath mercy.

Romans 9:22-24 ASV — What if God, willing to show his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering vessels of wrath fitted unto destruction: and that he might make known the riches of his glory upon vessels of mercy, which he afore prepared unto glory, even us, whom he also called, not from the Jews only, but also from the Gentiles?

No one on earth SHOULD EVER QUESTION JEHOVAH or His purposes...
be thankful for the life you have.

Fact ~

On 09/25/11, my father Jose Gomes passed away just before midnight, on my brother Jose Gomes' birthday. Exactly 2 weeks, almost to the minute, after my mom passed away on 09/11/11.

1 Corinthians 12:1-4 and story of Hosea and Gomer.

Romans 9:25 ASV — As he saith also in Hosea, I will call that my people, which was not my people; And her beloved, that was not beloved.

Todays daily text, is a good text for many to reflect on. Only Jehovah knows what someone is truly suffering.

Mark 12:43-44 ASV — And he called unto him his disciples, and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, This poor widow cast in more than all they that are casting into the treasury: for they all did cast in of their superfluity; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.

Do not think highly of yourselves. Those who deem themselves righteous, have actually become unrighteous. 

How many have been sacrificed? 

How many have turned to the world and away from Jehovah, because of false teachings and doctrines?

Who hold the (blood) cup of the Holy Ones? 

(Revelation 17:1-6)

Besides myself, here are some examples of JWs who've been persecuted by other JWs and the JW organization. All, because of JW's who not only follow false teachings/doctrines, but they don't practice what they preach.

Have you ever wondered, where do JW's go when they leave the organization? Many turn to the world because they don't know where else to go, but many have remained in Jehovah's good graces and keep preaching.

Here are some examples:

On 3/26/21, while doing some research online, I came across this ex-JW brother whom claims to be a "chosen one" and was disfellowshipped for bringing out discrepancies within the JW organization. It seems he has maintained his loyalty to Jehovah, and continues to preach some truths about Jehovah's Word from the Holy Scriptures and some truths about the wrongdoings in the JW organization.

Links: Robert King and The Watchman's Post.

I also have a clip of someone whom lost her mother, whom died as a devout JW, a "chosen one" that was persecuted by JW's and wrote letters asking for mercy.

I was also told a sad story by someone whom I was preaching to. He told me that he went to my congregation many years ago for the Memorial of Jesus Christ, he is not a JW and whose heart was troubled, very bothered by the witnessing of elders taking it upon themselves to stop someone whom felt they had a heavenly calling "chosen" from partaking. 

Ask yourself...have you ever taken upon yourself to play the role of Jehovah God and stopped someone from partaking or getting baptized? 

I wasn't surprised, they did something similar to me. I was yelled at and told "I was not anointed" (July 2020) I was later told that I could not be baptized because I still felt that I was anointed and I was then silenced. (October 2020) Losing family and friends.

See blog post: What is False Religion?

To this very day I remain silenced from the congregation, unable to preach with my brothers and sisters and unable to ask questions or partake in any discussions during meetings. Thankfully, due to the pandemic, they've been unable to stop me from partaking at the Memorial, as the Memorial is now done via zoom from the comfort of our homes. I'm thankful to Jehovah for that.

Do you know the meaning of blasphemy? 

*Updated: 09/13/21

*The following articles is incorrect on stating those who committed blasphemy against the spirit. seems to have no knowledge of what is means to be anointed by HOLY SPIRIT, to be born again and baptized into Christ's death. 

The Bible’s View
Can Blasphemy Be Forgiven?
"How, then, is it that one can be guilty of the unforgivable sin?...In this way they sinned against God’s spirit.​—Matt. 12:24-32(This passage is referring to Satan)
Other incidents reported... certain religious leaders...they were determined to have Jesus put to death. (John 11:47-53)The chief priests now took counsel to kill Lazarus also...John 12:10, 11.
Scriptures make it clear that sin against the spirit involves acting knowingly and deliberately against the undeniable evidence of the holy spirit’s operation, as did the chief priests and certain Pharisees in the days of Jesus’ earthly ministry."

They also claim Judas Iscariot (who was called Satan) sinned against the spirit, see here...Their Sins Were Unforgivable

The only ones who can sin against the spirit are any who received it after Jesus Christ...the New Birth. Satan has already been judged and continues to sin against the Holy Spirit.

End of update: I will have a new blog post on this in detail and place the link here when available.

Here it is...

The choice is theirs on whether not they should partake,  or get baptized...recognize what you're doing is bad and "please repent." (Matthew 5:23, 24) I've already forgiven them. They don't have to do it for me, but they should do it for Jehovah. Jehovah knows those whom belong to Him. No one EVER has the right to make that decision for them... to tell someone that they "are" or "are not" anointed, let alone stop them from partaking or getting baptized.

In the end...Jehovah always provides.

These are just a few examples that I am aware of, but it does make me sad to think about how many more anointed ones have been persecuted by this organization throughout the years, not to mention ALL Jehovah's Witnesses in general who've been persecuted in one way or another and have left.

If you are reading this and are an ex-Jehovah's Witness, please return to Jehovah...not the organization, but to JEHOVAH. You are not alone. We all learn things in a progressive manner, but to get there will depend on your heart condition. (Proverbs 4:18) (Joshua 1:8

Trust in God
Is Trust in His Timing

Daniel 2:21 ASV — And he changeth the times and the seasons; 
he removeth kings, and setteth up kings; 
he giveth wisdom unto the wise, 
and knowledge to them that have understanding;

To those whom are currently attending the meetings, please stop listening to what your taught, without investigating it. If you're given a teaching, it's your responsibility to be certain that it is undoubtedly backed up by scripture. If you don't have the understanding of it, DO NOT TEACH IT. When, and only when it becomes clear to you, and you can explain it clearly, should you teach it.

How many of you continue to accept a teaching just because it was given to you by the Governing Body of JW's, and refuse to listen to those whom tell you it's an incorrect teaching? 

The answer: MOST OF YOU.

How many prefer to not investigate it, to be sure it is in-line with Jehovah's Word the Holy Scriptures?

If you're not willing to investigate the teachings of men (1 John 4:1) and you prefer to be lazy or become fearful and go with the explanation of the GB, than you now know whom your God has become. 

Thankfully, Jehovah is merciful and always gives ample time for repentance. (2 Peter 3:9) You, who are held to a higher standard, because Jehovah has allowed this chosen group to have more Bible truths than any other.

The end is soon approaching and you have been warned. Soon Jehovah's attention will be directed to the nations. (Daniel 12:4Jehovah God is not partial, He loves all of His creation.(Acts 10:34, 35)  Just as the Jews were chosen, you too as "Christians" were chosen for a reason. (Genesis 3:15) Please repent before it's too late. (Revelation 2:16) Time is running short.

"Since Jehovah gives advance warning of his judgment against stubborn ones, the execution of that judgment cannot be attributed to other causes or to a different source. Said Jehovah, through the prophet Isaiah, to obstinate Israelites: “Due to my knowing that you are hard and that your neck is an iron sinew and your forehead is copper, I also kept telling you from that time. Before it could come in, I caused you to hear it, that you might not say, ‘My own idol has done them, and my own carved image and my own molten image have commanded them.’”​—Isa 48:4, 5; compare Jer 44:16-23." 

Please, always read ALL scriptures pertaining to passages.

~ Peace, Love and Joy ~