Thursday, November 26, 2020

Baptism - Circumcision of the Heart.

I made this from a plain wooden box many years ago, I came across the photo and thought I'd share it along with today's post. I'm currently working on some new projects that I plan to send out to some family and friends.

Pretty array of flowers.

Pearls and a lovely Butterfly.

I'm sharing with you the daily text from yesterday. 
It is my hope that many will come to understand the meaning of circumcision and uncircumcision.

Daily text...Wednesday, November 25
Unless you get circumcised . . . , you cannot be saved.​—Acts 15:1.

Under Christ’s direction, the governing body made it clear that non-Jewish Christians did not need to be circumcised. (Acts 15:19, 20) ...Some found it hard to accept that circumcision was no longer a sign of a special relationship with God. (Gen. 17:9-12) ...In time, though, Christ provided further guidance through inspired letters written by Paul.​—Rom. 2:28, 29; Gal. 3:23-25

Galatians 2:3
Nevertheless, not even Titus, who was with me, was compelled to be circumcised, although he was a Greek. 

For in union with Christ Jesus, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision is of any value, but faith operating through love is.

Romans 2:28, 29
28 For he is not a Jew who is one on the outside, nor is circumcision something on the outside, on the flesh. 29 But he is a Jew who is one on the inside, and his circumcision is that of the heart by spirit and not by a written code. That person’s praise comes from God, not from people.

“For he is not a Jew who is one on the outside, nor is circumcision that which is on the outside upon the flesh. But he is a Jew who is one on the inside, and his circumcision is that of the heart by spirit, and not by a written code.

Figurative Usage
‘Circumcision of the heart’ means getting rid of anything in one’s thinking, affections, or motives that is displeasing and unclean in Jehovah’s eyes and that makes the heart unresponsive. Similarly, ears that are not sensitive or responsive are spoken of as “uncircumcised.”​—Jer 6:10Ac 7:51.

Letter to the Romans...
Paul stresses the undeserved kindness of God through Christ, and he emphasizes that it is only by this undeserved kindness on God’s part, coupled with faith on the part of the believer, that men are declared righteous; he notes that neither Jew nor Gentile has any basis for boasting or for lifting himself above the other.

Who are the Israelites "Jehovah's people" today? Is it Jehovah's Witnesses? If so, ask yourself, what happened to them?

God’s View of War in the First Century
"Therefore, as a nation, they lost their special relationship with God.​—Matthew 23:37, 38."

There can only be one True house of God. Those who know the difference between Jehovah "Jews" and Jesus Christ "Christians" and the Holy Spirit. Those who know what Love is. (1 Corinthians 3:16, 17; 1 Corinthians 13:4-7; 1 Corinthians 8)

To those whom still believe in the Trinity (triune God), please study the scriptures and learn the truth, as it will set you free. (John 8:32)

NOTE: There is no scripture that backs up the following article in the Watchtower...

The following is a FALSE STATEMENT...

Watchtower April 1, 2009
A Twofold Process

First, a person repents of his sins, turns away from a wrong course, dedicates his life to Jehovah to worship and serve him, and makes his dedication public by water baptism. Then, if God chooses him to serve as a ruler in His Kingdom, he is anointed with holy spirit.

The first part of this twofold process (baptism with water) is initiated by the individual; the second part (baptism with spirit) is initiated by God. When a person undergoes both baptisms, he has experienced the new birth.


In a similar way, the apostle Peter once said at an occasion of baptism: “Can anyone forbid water?”​—Acts 10:47.

First, the following scripture shows that one is chosen before they are born.

as he chose us to be in union with him before the founding of the world, that we should be holy and unblemished before him in love.

Second, the footnote actually takes you to the days of Cornelius (Acts 10:47), when the free gift of the holy spirit was being poured out also on people of the nations before they were baptized in water.

This was to prove that God is not partial, he accepts any who do what is right and are acceptable to Him. (Acts 10: 34, 35)

"Man" is made up of imperfect beings. It is your RESPONSIBILITY... follow JEHOVAH and study the Holy Scriptures, or you can follow "Man" (religion)...the choice is yours.

"Why have there been changes over the years in the teachings of Jehovah’s Witnesses?

The Bible shows that there would be a great increase in knowledge of the truth during “the time of the end.” (Dan. 12:4) Increased knowledge often requires adjustments in one’s thinking. Jehovah’s Witnesses are willing humbly to make such adjustments."

Have JW's made the changes?

William Malenfant: “Become One Flock” (John 10:16)
  • We don't need to know who all the anointed are.
  • ...of what concern is that to you.
  • 2 Timothy 2:19 - Jehovah knows those who belong to him.
We don't need to know who ANY of the anointed are. You are to honor Jehovah and Jesus Christ. I'm not can I possibly know who truly is or is not anointed. Why was this question about the anointed asked of me, just before my baptism questions? What concern is that to you? For that matter, why was this used to deny me my baptism? Can anyone deny that I honor Jehovah God or follow Jesus Christ? Can anyone deny that I am a true Christian?

To any whom believe baptism of water gives you status above any other, please revisit your thoughts.

One is fully dedicated (circumcision of the heart) to Jehovah before baptism (public display), if you don't agree with that, then you shouldn't be baptized.

How many Jehovah's Witnesses are baptized and NOT doing Jehovah's will today? MANY.

Ecclesiastes 5:1 (NWT)
Guard your feet whenever you go to the house of the [true] God; and let there be a drawing near to hear, rather than to give a sacrifice as the stupid ones do, for they are not aware of doing what is bad.

Who are the stupid ones? 

21 Then came Peter and said to him, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? until seven times?
22 Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times; but, Until seventy times seven.

Please, if you truly believe in Jehovah, then Study the Bible...know the Holy Scriptures.

Robert Luccioni: Strengthen Your Spiritual Core (2 Tim. 3:13)
  • Have a deep understanding and trust of the Holy Scriptures.
  • Remember from whom you learned all the good things that you knew.
Accept the Bible for What It Really Is

(Paragraph 17)
...The role of elders in the Christian congregation is by no means that of kings. Nevertheless, as was true of the kings, it is vital that elders read and meditate on God’s Word. Their doing so will help them to maintain a proper view of those entrusted to their care. It will also enable them to fulfill their responsibility as teachers in a manner that truly honors God and spiritually fortifies fellow Christians.​—Titus 1:9; compare John 7:16-18; contrast 1 Timothy 1:6, 7.

When getting baptized...
Water baptism is initiated by the individual.

What are the 2 greatest commandments? 

‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind’ and  ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’(Matthew 22:37-39)

Matthew 28:18, 19
18 Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. 19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit,

As much as I appreciate many within the organization, I didn't want to get baptized for Jehovah's Witnesses, I wanted to get baptized for Jehovah, Jesus Christ and the holy spirit. 

Do JW's actually baptize (say these words when baptizing) in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit?  Is there scripture that says you must get baptized into a church or organization? (Acts 8:27-31, 35-38)

I was told by an elder of my congregation that he trusts I love Jehovah, Jesus Christ and the Bible, this just a day after from being told I can no longer be an unbaptized publisher, nor comment at the meetings. Why? Because I won't teach something written in the Watchtower that can't be proven in Bible scripture. Not only is it not in scripture, but I know for fact, that it's not true

Fortunately, that has not stopped me from preaching for Jehovah, Jesus Christ and about God's Kingdom, nor has it stopped me from teaching my students Bible Truths using the Holy Scriptures and the organization, nor has it hindered my attending the meetings...and as much as they hurt me, because they are imperfect, I still love my brothers and sisters in faith. 

Remember this...If I'm wrong, then that's between me and Jehovah, BUT...if I'm right, those who are denied me my baptism, knowing fully well how dedicated I am to Jehovah, will have to answer to Jehovah.

There's a reason why we ask questions, and don't just rely on "man" and need go to the scriptures, because "man" is imperfect. (Ephesians 5:6) After all, isn't that what we preach? How many times has "man" gotten it wrong? Why have the Jehovah's Witnesses made many changes along the way? 

TRUST IN's okay to ask questions and rely on the Holy Scriptures. If you're afraid of what "man" might do to you, then you don't have enough faith in Jehovah.

LOVE without hypocrisy (1Timothy 1:5)...I will continue to pray for you and All peoples of the nations.

Serving Jehovah with a Complete Heart
The whole record of the Bible, including the ministry of God’s Son, Christ Jesus, testifies to the fact that the Sovereign God Jehovah wants to be served with a complete heart​—or not at all.

Video: I Can Get Back Up
As a child, I left Jehovah because of the Jehovah's Witnesses, and that's where I went wrong. As an adult, I know not to make that same mistake again. I am a Witness for Jehovah and He has taught me well. One goes to meetings for Jehovah, not for the Jehovah's Witnesses.

There was a reason why God brought the truth to me and called me from the darkness to the light. Within my heart, he saw the longing that I had to search for him and practice what is right. I promised him in prayer to do his will. He helped me then, and he will help me still.

~ Peace, Love and Joy ~