Saturday, August 29, 2020

Fall...Anyone Can Do It

This one of my favorite times of year...Autumn. The Fall weather will soon start to change, the nights will be cooler and the leaves will start to change into a beautiful array of warm colors. I feel I can already smell that fresh crisp air, seeing myself outside wrapped in a blanket while reading the Bible and enjoying a warm beverage. Watching some leaves fall, the deer roaming about, listening to the birds chirp, while the squirrels collect nuts that are falling from the trees.

What does it mean to fall?
There are many ways one can fall, they can stumble on something, they can be pushed and knocked down, or they can simply look the wrong way and not pay attention to where they are heading. 

What is a Kingdom Hall? 
That is where Jehovah's Witnesses go to worship Jehovah. That is where you will find kind, loving people whom have the same faith, they love Jehovah and Jesus Christ and do their very best to encourage one another and lead by example.
Update:10/04/21* It's (*not) where we find the accurate spiritual food that's dispensed from the Bible.

Does that mean Jehovah's Witnesses are perfect?
No, they are not. We are all imperfect beings. As I study with my students I remind them that when they devote themselves, that they are devoting themselves to Jehovah, not to man. That dedication comes way before they even get baptized...baptism is the symbol of dedication, a public display of that vow you made to do Jehovah's will. Being a "reflection" of Jehovah, comes long before baptism.

 A God of Love and Justice

As I've stated in a previous post (Fear "Smoke and Mirrors" Seeing Through It) I left the congregation when I was in my early to mid teens. I left because gradually more and more things where happening within the congregation that I didn't agree with, it no longer felt like home to me and then there were some that would be considered "bad associations" that later had an affect me. 

When it came time for me to get baptized, I felt pressured, that if I didn't get baptized, I would not get the reward at the end, which is "everlasting life". It didn't feel right to me. I felt that if I were to get baptized it was because I loved Jehovah, not because of everlasting life on that time, I felt my baptism would not reflect that, that it would be misunderstood.

It was unfortunate... that... along with the pressures of everyday life "away" from the congregation, it all just piled on. In the end I felt I no longer had anywhere to turn, so I left...crushed in spirit.

Jehovah is close to the brokenhearted;
He saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Since I've returned, I realized similar things continue to happen today. 

What's the difference? 
Now that I am an adult and no longer a child, I can now distinguish the difference, and Jehovah has taught me well. (1Cor 13:11

Several months ago I read a story about a Sister who wanted to stop attending meetings because every time she went there she would get distracted by seeing some texting on their phones, others quietly talking and not paying attention. The Brother she spoke to gave her a wonderful illustration. It's not word for word, but you will get the idea.

He had asked her to think about holding a full glass of water while walking around the block, while holding that glass of water, she had to do her best not to spill it. The he asked " What would you do? Would you start walking and look at all your neighbors along the way or would you focus on that glass, as not to spill from it?" She answered "I would focus on the glass." He said "The same applies when going to the meetings, you are going there to focus on the spiritual food that's being given, not on those around you."

I found that to be a simple, yet effective example. We don't go to meetings for Jehovah's Witnesses, we go to meetings for Jehovah. But while at the meetings we do our best to encourage one another, forgive always and help those who may have become spiritually weak. WE ARE ALL IMPERFECT.

*Update: 10/04/21 This happens in all Religions, it's our responsibility that if we attend any church we put our trust ONLY on God the Father and Jesus Christ...not "man".

“I Myself Will Search for My Sheep”
Some of Jehovah’s servants have felt hurt by a fellow believer. The apostle Paul recognized that at times we might have a valid “cause for complaint against” a brother or a sister. 

Sheep Belong to Jehovah

First and foremost we need to lean on Jehovah and pray that he gives us strength to endure whatever pressures we may be dealing with. (2Peter 1: 5,6) Then depending on the situation, we can reach out to those privately and express how we are feeling about a certain situation and try and work it out, remembering that no one is perfect. 

An Elder who has been studying for 30 or 40 years, can become less weak spiritually than a Brother who has been studying for 1 year...same goes for the Sisters. Remember we are all in this together. Satan will do his best to attack Jehovah's people, (*Jew or Gentile) if someone points out something you are doing, don't brush it off or come up with your own understanding of the situation. (Proverbs 3:5) REFLECT ON IT, pray to Jehovah for guidance, because you may be doing something you are not aware of, and what you do may cause another to stumble. 

Watch your step whenever you go to the house of the true God; it is better to draw near to listen than to give a sacrifice as the stupid ones do, for they are not aware that what they are doing is bad.

Remember to love one another...we are ALL imperfect beings. Keep your relationship clean with Jehovah, follow Jesus' examples, lead by them and remain faithful till the end. Jehovah knows who you are, he knows your innermost thoughts. (Jeremiah 11:20) Always...TRUST IN JEHOVAH!!!

Most of all, pray for ALL...our brothers and sisters in faith and our brothers and sisters who do not have the same faith. Satan knows the end is approaching and will do everything in his power to take you down with him...don't let him.

For those whom left, please...Return to Jehovah, not a religion or organization.

~ Peace, Love and Joy ~