Wednesday, May 6, 2020

To Become a Soldier

What does it mean to be a Soldier?

I have much experience with this. In 1975 my oldest brother and his best friend were recruited and joined the Marines. I remember the day he left, we were in the middle of the street, my mom and I, she fell to her knees crying as we watched my brother and his best friend (with their backs to us) walk away and leave. I'll never forget how sad it was, how distraught my mom was. Since, life was never the same for my brother and we all still feel it to this very day. 

I remember seeing my brothers yearbook, one picture in particular stood out. They were stationed in Germany, it was a picture of the "3 monkeys" see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil...I believe it was my brother and 2 of his fellow soldiers. One had his ears covered, the other had his eyes covered and the other had his mouth covered. I remember them standing near the sand bags and their rifles.  

Recently, a few months ago, we learned of a young Marine who had ended his life, he was well known by my husband and his fellow workers. I'm uncertain of what part of the world he was in, but I believe it was in the Middle East. He was required to do something spur of the moment, something that had haunted him ever since. He did what he was commanded, but that command in the end killed him too.

My twin boys were recruited by the Military. First by the Marines. They were Seniors in high school. I remember when they were Juniors the pressure had already begun for them to enlist. My one son tried pressuring me into signing something that would give them the right to enlist at 17, I wouldn't.

My boys turned 18 and became Seniors. It was a Friday and the boys took the ASVAB test, one at Dunkin Donuts and the other at the school Library. They scored pretty well, well enough to join any of the 4 branches.

I remember it was Sunday, when they announced that they were headed to MEPS on Tuesday. I was in the kitchen cooking, I can still feel the blood draining from my face. I had previously asked that they wait until they were done with school, until they were at least 23, old enough to know the difference. Live life a bit and decide then. Well, that didn't happen. When Monday approached, I let the boys sleep in, they didn't go to school. I called the school, begging to speak to the guidance counselor, I explained to the woman who answered the phone my desperation of not wanting my boys to be taken out of school the next day to go to MEPS. She'll probably remember me, like my mom, I was hysterically crying.

Soon after, the guidance counselor called and I explained to her that I didn't want to the boys taken out of school on Tuesday to go to MEPS, I explicitly told her that I did not want them to go and that they are not given permission by me. She told me because they were 18 and "signed something" that there was nothing I could do. HEARTBROKEN and dismayed, on Tuesday my boys went to MEPS, in Harrisburg. They were part of the Delayed Entry Program because they had to graduate first.

*UPDATE: 03/22/21
*Where else can you find MEPS?

I decided I would look into the school policy and soon after learned what I felt in my heart. The School Policy for the State of PA, no child can be dismissed from school without the parents permission up to the age of 19 if the student resides and is still dependent of the parents. The emails went flying, I knew I had a lawsuit, but who would take it? It's the Military. I had it all worked out, the timeline, the emails, peoples names, school records. No one could help, unless I turned it into a political scandal and reached out to the "opposing party" no one is going to take on the military.

Update: I learned in September 2020 that the Superintendent of the boys school is a Jehovah's Witness. He was sent many emails by me in 2017 when all of this took place, not once did I get a response or any help from him.

Since, I convinced my one son to leave the Marines, he later decided he wanted to be a cop, so he joined the Army instead. I'm Proud of my boys, because they didn't choose to join the Military out of bad intentions, they did it for good intentions, as most do. 

They are willing to give the ultimate sacrifice to protect those they love. Most who aren't forced to join, will do it for that reason, it doesn't matter what part of the world you live in. Man is killing man, and Man is killing himself, to what end? What has anyone truly gained from it...nothing. More continue to die, more continue to get sick and more continue to get influenced that they're doing it for the right reasons. You're not, you're doing it for the one who really controls this world and right now it's Satan.

I've since learned quite a bit more about the military...words that cannot be spoken. We're all currently lying in the power of the wicked one. It saddens me to know that some are actually making that choice, knowing that they are doing Satan's Will and continue to do it anyway. They know the difference and don't care...Satan's chosen ones.

Sad to say, but many don't believe in God or just stopped believing in Him. Yet, there are many who believe they are doing God's Will, who really want to, but they are not. This is what Satan wants, the Master of Illusion, he wants to mask everything with pretty lights. 

Many know parts of the bible, but they know mainly what they've been taught to them, what's been programmed. Let no man deceive you...Ephesians 5:6. Some don't want to know more, they want to stick to their beliefs and that it. That is their will. 

When you read the bible, do it for yourself and no one else, Jehovah's message is in there for you. Start from the beginning, use His name, He wants you to know him. He Loves You.

If you're feeling Lost, now is the time to be Found. No one can be you, never will anyone ever truly know you, but Jehovah does. He is our Unique Creator and he knows that you too are unique, we all are. It's how He made us. Give Him your greatest treasure...your Heart and He will give you His...LOVE.

Update: 06/28/21 ~ Much has changed. 
Smoke and mirrors, it was an illusion...I still believe many are super kind and truly love God, but sadly, they are misled and follow a false god...the Governing Body (GB) of Jehovah's Witnesses. Their love is conditional if you question GB and their teachings.

Here's a scripture that a kind brother from my Kingdom Hall shared with me. Words spoken by Jesus, it's beautiful and makes perfect sense.

7 As you go, preach, saying: ‘The Kingdom of the heavens has drawn near.’+ 8 Cure the sick,+ raise up the dead, make lepers clean, expel demons. You received free, give free.+

The TRUTH will set you FREE.

~ Peace, Love and Joy ~