Sunday, April 19, 2020

Fear "Smoke and Mirrors" Seeing Through It

What do we fear the most?

As a child, we fear losing a loving parent. As a parent we fear losing a loving child.
So what is our greatest fear...losing Love. 
I'm sure most would agree with this. 

As a child I stuck to my mom's side, I felt her love and felt protected when I was with her, as for my inner self, I belonged to Jehovah, I felt the love, the happiness and the joy that he brought me, he was my safe place, my home away from home. My greatest fear was losing my mom, I had Jehovah in Heaven, but who would I have here on earth, it feared me, I couldn't imagine the thought of not having that kind of love here on earth.

My mom was so humble and so kind. She too was a daughter of God, she was very strong in her faith, no matter what trials she would face, and there were many, she stuck by Jehovah's side. She did her best to protect me, to protect all of us. The greatest gift she gave us was LOVE. (1 Cor 13:4-7) It was thanks to her love for Jehovah, that I was able to flourish in Jehovah's world.

I Jehovah, am the One teaching you to benefit yourself.


1975 I was 7 years old. It had been announced within the JW organization that Armageddon was here, although I was told it was never in print, it was believed by many. (Ecclesiastes 5:1) Later, it was found to be an apostate within the organization. I remember feeling confused and asking my mom what happened, as parents often do when talking to their children, she gave a brief explanation and told me not to worry about it. 

*UPDATE: It was in print. (03/22/21)
"With the appearance of the book Life Everlasting​—in Freedom of the Sons of God, and its comments as to how appropriate it would be for the millennial reign of Christ to parallel the seventh millennium of man’s existence, considerable expectation was aroused regarding the year 1975... there were other statements published that implied that such realization of hopes by that year was more of a probability than a mere possibility."

Little did she know how much of an impact it had on me. I was crushed. (Psalm 34:18) The trust had been broken, although I maintained a closeness to Jehovah, I started questioning those around me that I trusted, and paying closer attention. As a child I placed all of my trust on those who worshipped Jehovah, "How could they be bad? they love God". To me it was simple, when you love someone you don't do anything to hurt them. In time, the imperfection of humans continued to have it's affect on me.

Well, Satan made certain to put doubt within the organization, (*PLEASE READ Revelation 17:17) it's what he does. He hates Jehovah and will do anything he can to hurt him...and what would hurt the most? Losing a child. Jehovah is our Creator, our Heavenly Father, we're all of Jehovah's children. Satan's jealousy and envy of Jehovah drove him to the first lie, to Jehovah's creation of  Man, Jehovah's children...Adam and Eve.  Because of their disobedience they lost their life. (John 8:44)  God does not lie, he told them what would happen if they ate from the tree. Satan knew this and his goal to hurt Jehovah was accomplished. 

* If you predicted an event that did not come true, are you not a false prophet? Is that not a lie? Does God lie? 

*If you where the Faithful and Discreet Slave, would JEHOVAH have you make a false prediction? Proverbs 4:18 is misused by the GB. Many of us don't understand many things, especially when we're taught many false doctrines that mislead many, like... the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses are the Faithful and Discreet Slave. We are not God, but Jehovah will gradually make our lights brighter if we continue to give ourselves to Him. It's okay to have a misunderstanding of something, especially when learning false teachings of others. JEHOVAH WILL NOT GUIDE YOU TO A FALSE PREDICTION, then say, after you lied for me, I'll make your light brighter. That in itself, is a lie. (Deuteronomy 13:3; 18:22)

*Please see the following blog posts: 
False Worship...What it Means
What is False Religion?

*What will happen in the times of the end? (2 Thessalonians 2:2, 3)

Jehovah kept his word.

Satan challenged Jehovah. His satisfaction of getting Adam and Eve to turn on Jehovah wasn't enough, he wanted to see if Jehovah would stick to his word and destroy his very own creation that he made with a loving heart. 

Keeping to his word didn't mean he wasn't saddened or hurt by what had taken place, but Jehovah is a God of Honor, and his word is his word, even if it means destroying his own loving creation. Adam and Eve made a choice to disobey God and they payed the ultimate price. Satan's desire to see Jehovah hurt was satisfied, evil to say the least. (1 Samuel 2:8) Satan continues to challenge Jehovah, he is doing everything in his power to try and prove Jehovah can't be trusted. He's failed miserably. There are millions across the world who love Jehovah wholeheartedly.

Trust in Jehovah

Satan's greatest desire, to see Jehovah hurt and not be trusted. He hates mankind and he knows his days are numbered. How could he accomplish hurting Jehovah? In the end, by taking as many of Jehovah's children away from him, knowing they will perish never to return again, just like Adam and Eve. It's his goal, because it's the only thing he can do to hurt Jehovah. Satan is the craftiest when it comes to Evil, he is the false god of light. (2 Cor 11:13-15) He will use you to do his will, he disguises everything with pretty lights and shiny objects, it's unfortunate, but many are falling for it. 

It's like using an ice-cream truck to lure innocent children, in the end they pay an ultimate price because they didn't obey their parent and they followed the shiny object. 

Smoke and Mirrors

Let's take a look at the political world, Satan's world. We all know what you see in the news is just a cover for what's really happening behind the scenes. Look here, not there. Keep the mind busy on who's the good guy and who's the bad guy. (Distraction)

Did you ever stop to think that they are actually working together? In a class of their own. I don't just mean within our Country, I'm referring to all of the world leaders...politicians, bankers, CEO's, the top of the top...Satan's chosen ones. 

As stated in Revelation 17:17 "For God put it into their hearts to carry out his thought, yes, to carry out their one thought by giving their kingdom to the wild beast, until the words of God will have been accomplished." *I used this scripture to update the paragraph above.

Most humans have become a pawn in their hands, especially the unsuspecting ones.
Think of the good cop, bad cop...both are on the same side with one goal in mind, to accomplish what they set out to do. (Cover)

They want you frustrated and fighting against one another, because you're so busy fighting about who is right and who is wrong (shiny object), about who is good and who is bad, that many are even now choosing to ignore that babies are now being killed at full term, let that one sink in. (Blind)

When the Truth is right in front of you and you know the difference or choose not to see it and look the other might want to reflect, remove the makeup and see clearly of what's in front of you, time is running out. (Reflection)

This is where free will and true devotion to Jehovah come into play. He's there to protect you if you're willing to accept it. He will make you see clearly. 1 Cor 13:11,12 

Good vs Evil...Choose. 

The bible is a book of instruction and guidance, of simple laws and principles, when followed properly, it brings the peace and love we are all searching for. Proverbs 8:13 (fear)

Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also

It's just like assembling a project, if you don't follow the instructions properly and cut around corners, it will not work properly. We can't pick and choose what parts of our life we want to devote to Jehovah. Just like we don't choose to love a parent or child partially. Either you love him wholeheartedly or you don't. (Matthew 6:24)  Follow his way and put away your own selfish desires (Satan) or you ignore the warnings and keep following the shiny object (Satan) that will lead you to your final destination...destruction, Armageddon.

Use your head, think for yourself. Forget what others around you say, no matter who they are, even within the House of the True God. The relationship is between you and Jehovah and he will be there if you reach out for him. He will take you by the hand. As much as I love my JW family, there's only One that I go to for advice and that's Jehovah. 

Ephesians 5:6 Let no man deceive you...

I trust and lean on Him wholeheartedly, I go only to Him. I trust in his word ~ The Holy Scriptures.
Bible prophecy is coming to life right in front of your eyes, it's up to you to accept it...Freedom of Choice.

~ Peace, Love and Joy ~