Friday, September 11, 2020

Beautiful Seahorse's ~ Peace and Love (9/11)

I've always loved seahorses, one of my favorite sea creatures to watch whenever we went to an Aquarium. I've actually learned some interesting facts about seahorses, the "Dance and Romance" and “Every Woman’s Dream” on how the male Seahorse is the one whom gets pregnant. 



THE couple share a blush of recognition. He seems to puff with pride, while she looks on with approval. They reach out to share a delicate touch, then a warm embrace. As the glow of dawn filters down on them, they ease into the rhythm of one of nature’s most elegant ballets​—the dance of the sea horse.

A little KINDNESS goes a long way.

Today's date (9/11) continues to have much significance to me...first with the Twin Towers, then the death of my mom and now, a long awaited, much needed, same day procedure that will finally take place later today (urgent hysterectomy).

My heart goes out to ALL who continue to suffer each and every day...praying always.

I am very thankful for my children who have brought me much joy throughout my years. I have four wonderful boys...Jonathan, Vincent, and the twins - Andrew and Nicholas. 

It is my hope that their hearts will open to the Truth written in the Holy Scriptures and that they put their Faith and Trust in Jehovah and Jesus Christ.

Meanwhile I would love to share with you a prophecy written in Isaiah - chapter have to click the link to read it in full.

Some updates* (11/6/21) have been made to the following...

Isaiah’s Prophecy​—Light for All Mankind II

"Chapter Fifteen

The Barren Woman Rejoices

"Thus, each of us does well to ask himself, ‘Am I being taught by Jehovah?’ We do not receive such teaching automatically. We must put forth effort. If we read God’s Word regularly and meditate upon it and if we take in instruction by reading the Bible-based literature published by “the faithful and discreet slave” and by preparing for and attending Christian meetings, we will indeed be taught by Jehovah. (Matthew 24:45-47) If we endeavor to apply what we learn and remain spiritually awake and watchful, divine teaching will set us apart as different from those in this godless world. (1 Peter 5:8, 9) Better still, it will help us “draw close to God.”​—James 1:22-25; 4:8."

Note: The JW Organization is NOT the Faithful and Discreet Slave.

Isaiah 54:11, 14
11 “O afflicted woman, storm-tossed, uncomforted, I am laying your stones with hard mortar And your foundation with sapphires.
14 You will be firmly established in righteousness. You will be far removed from oppression, You will fear nothing and have no cause for terror, For it will not come near you.

Update: *Here's just one of many corrections they needed make...


"When does the calling of Christians to a heavenly hope cease?
From the late 1800’s until 1931, the main thrust of the preaching work was the gathering of the remaining members of the body of Christ. In 1931 the Bible Students took the Bible-based name Jehovah’s Witnesses, and in the November 15, 1933, issue of The Watchtower, the thought was expressed that this unique name was the “denarius” referred to in Jesus’ parable recorded at Matthew 20:1-16. The 12 hours mentioned in the parable were thought to correspond to the 12 years from 1919 to 1931. For many years after that, it was believed that the call to the heavenly Kingdom had ended in 1931 and that those called to be joint heirs with Christ in 1930 and 1931 were “the last” called. (Matthew 20:6-8) However, in 1966 an adjusted understanding of that parable was presented, and it became clear that it had nothing to do with the end of the calling of the anointed."

  • How can Jehovah's Witnesses say they preach the truth?

Update: The following explanations are false; it shouldn't be applied because Jehovah does not lead anyone to predict false prophecy and false doctrines. It's true that one may not have a clear understanding at first, but one's understanding gets brighter, it doesn't bounce back and forth. The Watchtower Bible Tract and Society has flip flopped a multitude of times on their understanding of scripture.

See all clarifications directly from their site: Beliefs Clarified

"Why have there been changes over the years in the teachings of Jehovah’s Witnesses?

The Bible shows that Jehovah enables his servants to understand his purpose in a progressive manner. (Prov. 4:18; John 16:12)
Thus, the prophets who were divinely inspired to write portions of the Bible did not understand the meaning of everything that they wrote. (Dan. 12:8, 9; 1 Pet. 1:10-12)
The apostles of Jesus Christ realized that there was much they did not understand in their time. (Acts 1:6, 7; 1 Cor. 13:9-12)
The Bible shows that there would be a great increase in knowledge of the truth during “the time of the end.” (Dan. 12:4)
Increased knowledge often requires adjustments in one’s thinking. Jehovah’s Witnesses are willing humbly to make such adjustments."
Update: *The above statements are FALSE, if one questions the GB of JW's they are persecuted, silenced and often disfellowshipped. 
They continue to teach false doctrines, especially when it comes to the anointing of the Holy Spirit...


"Holy Spirit in Our Day

The modern-day organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses has remained sensitive (FALSE) to the leadings of God’s holy spirit for well over a century now
. As Jehovah’s spirit progressively enlightens their spiritual vision, the Witnesses willingly make the needed adjustments to conform to updated understanding.​—Proverbs 4:18."

Their very own Watchtower claims they are not inspired by God...

Who Is Leading God’s People Today?


12 The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible."

The following is accurate, even though their are many, if not most, JW's who do not follow the teaching...


"During the last days, Jehovah has continued to choose people who will be part of the 144,000.* So if God decides to choose some of these just before the end, surely we should not question his wisdom. (Read Romans 9:11, 16.)* We must be careful not to react like the workers whom Jesus described in one of his illustrations. They complained about the way their master treated those who started working in the last hour.​—Matt. 20:8-15."

Sadly, they persecute their own, including the anointed.

My husband of 20 years would continuously tell me that I was going to return as a Jehovah's Witness, I would actually get upset with him, because even though I loved Jehovah, I was upset with the Witnesses and could never see myself returning.

Much has happened since last year...just recently I asked him why he thought I would return, realizing immediately that I've always preached to him about the Bible, my belief in Jehovah, Jesus Christ and the prophecies. My husband was a Catholic, with deep imbedded strong beliefs, it took time but he's now realizing just how many discrepancies there are in what he was taught to believe.

As difficult as it may be to accept, he has begun to question many things, he has opened his mind and started studying the Bible for himself, he has the end he has decided that he would study with a Jehovah's Witness as well. Update: *As of 10/30/20 he no longer trusted the JW's as he witnessed how they persecuted me.

For myself...having returned last year as a Witness for Jehovah, He has taught me well. He has shown me that *ALL my brothers and sisters in faith and not, are imperfect, as am I. We must always forgive others for their sins or how else could ours be forgiven. I'm very thankful  to Jehovah, my heavenly Father, for all the Love and Kindness I've been always, I love you Jehovah, with all of my heart.

If you where raised in the FAITH and have left, regardless of the circumstance, know that you are loved and please return...Return to Jehovah, not a church or organization.

“Return to Me"
“Return to me, and I will return to you.”​—MAL. 3:7.

This is the to listen if full.

(Isaiah 30:20, 21)

1.There is a way of peace,

The way you’ve come to know.

It is the way you learned,

The way of long ago,

The way that Jesus taught you

When his voice you heard.

This is the way of peace,

Found in Jehovah’s Word.


This is the way to life; This is the way.

Don’t look aside; Not for a moment stray!

God’s voice is calling: ‘This is the way;

Do not look back, for yes, this is the way.’

2.There is a way of love,

No need to look around.

God’s voice has shown the way

He lets himself be found.

His love is full and good;

His love is warm and true.

This is the way of love;

It touches all we do.

(See also Ps. 32:8; 139:24; Prov. 6:23.)

Always, always...TRUST IN JEHOVAH!!!

Proverbs 3:5-6 ASV — Trust in Jehovah with all thy heart, And lean not upon thine own understanding: In all thy ways acknowledge him, And he will direct thy paths.

May Jehovah through Jesus Christ bring you...
~ Peace, Love and Joy ~