Friday, June 26, 2020

Imagination ~ A World Without Satan

What would it be like to not have Satan in this world? 

Why not take time to think about it, use your imagination. We have so much beauty that surrounds us now, why not focus on that...connect Spiritually to Jehovah and He will help get you there. 


In my imagination I can see "dinosaur like" animals flying people around instead of airplanes that pollute the earth. I can also imagine butterflies lighting up like fireflies, in a beautiful array of colors. Touching a flower and watching it bloom right then and there. Having all kinds of fruits and vegetables at your disposal everywhere you go. Most importantly, seeing kind, loving smiles of peace on everyone's face while playing with animals of every kind. 

Just think...If you didn't see a firefly before or know that it existed, would you believe it was possible to have a flying insect light up or for that matter, a flying dinosaur? 

Why not use your imagination, what do you see in the new Paradise Earth?

When you believe in Jehovah, you know anything is possible.

24 The God who made the world and all the things in it, being, as he is, Lord of heaven and earth,+ does not dwell in handmade temples;+ 
25 nor is he served by human hands as if he needed anything,+ because he himself gives to all people life and breath+ and all things. 
26 And he made out of one man+ every nation of men to dwell on the entire surface of the earth,+ and he decreed the appointed times and the set limits of where men would dwell,+ 
27 so that they would seek God, if they might grope for him and really find him,+ although, in fact, he is not far off from each one of us. 
28 For by* him we have life and move and exist,+ even as some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also his children.’*

Memory ~

While attending Ironbound school in Newark, I've never forgotten a 3rd grade class trip, we had gone to the Zoo. I remember walking through a big "tent like" area with an opening on both ends, it had many wild animals that were caged in, as you walked through you could see them on the left and on the right. Yet, the only animal I remember from that day was the Black Panther...beautiful and majestic, black with green eyes. It sat there just staring at me, it captivated me, I became mesmerized. My closest friend Christine kept tugging me because the class was walking away, I ignored her and just kept my eyes fixed on the Panther as it did the same, keeping it's eyes fixed on me.

Some time had passed, I became aware that Christine was still by my side, she never left me. She was worried, we were now by ourselves, the class was gone. The Zoo had been contacted by the school officials and they started a search for us. Shortly after, Christine and I had found our class. I remember slightly crying and getting a hug by the teacher, it wasn't because I was afraid...I was upset because I had caused a lot of commotion.

I've never forgotten Christine, she had curly hair like mine and freckles. She had a slightly younger brother who would visit us often, he was blind. It was unfortunate, but sometime that year he had passed away due to related complications.

Looking back, I now see how this Panther had such an impact on me. It became an idol to me, I worshipped it. How? Starting in my 20's, I started buying statues and figurines of Panthers, art work, clothing, bookmarks and so on. Later in life it would even be used within my passwords. I was enchanted by it, it became an idol to me, making it "in an indirect way" my God.

10 Finally, go on acquiring power+ in the Lord and in the mightiness of his strength. 11 Put on the complete suit of armor+ from God so that you may be able to stand firm against the crafty acts* of the Devil; 12 because we have a struggle,*+ not against blood and flesh, but against the governments, against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces+ in the heavenly places.

I no longer own anything related to black panthers, it's still a beautiful animal, but it no longer has the kind of grip on me.

‘I will bring you out of her and give you into the hand of foreigners and execute judgment on you.+

The Paradise will soon be here...

in Audio...

By clicking on the link you'll also see the wonderful image of the forest with a black panther and owl resting on a tree branch, and the little girl sleeping peaceful beneath with the fireflies flying about.

“I Will Give Them a Unified Heart”

Ezekiel 11:19

FOCUS: The theme of restoration and how it is developed in Ezekiel’s prophecies


“Like the Garden of Eden”

After the great war of Armageddon, Jesus will expand his restoration work to cover even the physical earth. During his Thousand Year Reign, he will direct mankind to turn this planet into a global garden of Eden, a paradise, just as Jehovah always intended it to be! (Luke 23:43) Then all humans will be in harmony with one another and with their earthly home. There will be no danger, no threat, anywhere. Imagine a time when even this promise will be fulfilled: “I will make a covenant of peace with them, and I will rid the land of vicious wild beasts, so that they may dwell securely in the wilderness and sleep in the forests.”​—Ezek. 34:25.

Can you picture that? Without any fear, you will be able to visit any part of this vast earth. No animal will harm you. No danger will threaten your peace. You will be able to walk alone into the deepest forest, enjoying its majestic beauty, even sleeping there in perfect safety, sure to wake up rested and unharmed!

~ Peace, Love and Joy ~

Monday, June 8, 2020

Family is Created by Love

There is Beauty all around us, just look at Nature itself, the peace and calm that it brings. Jehovah's Creation. People are Beautiful...don't just look at them, see them. Look past what is on the outside...try to see what's on the inside...Everyone has a story. Generation to generation, we are all imperfect.

1 John 4:8
Whoever does not love has not come to know God, because God is love.+

1 John 5:19
We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.+

One act of Kindness goes a long way. Don't judge the sinner, because you too are a sinner. Don't think "man" (including you) can resolve the issues, it's not possible. You know this to be true, it's now just over 6,000 years since Satan lied when it came to Adam and Eve. Satan has been proven to be the liar that he is, man is killing man and incapable of governing themselves.

Love one another...we're all the same, just with different experiences. The one you may consider to be evil, no matter who it is, be it current or past Presidents, rich or poor, or the worst of the worst, it doesn't matter, they may be the one's who need the most help. If it's in your means to help someone, help them. Don't judge, forgive one another. (Matthew 18:21, 22) Always remember, the judging belongs to Jehovah and not you. (Isaiah 33:22)

Revelation 22:7, 10
7 Look! I am coming quickly.+ Happy is anyone observing the words of the prophecy of this scroll.”+ 
10 He also tells me: “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this scroll, for the appointed time is near.

It's always nice when one can avoid the "world" and make time for Jehovah and some Creativity.
Sharing some Love.

~ Sweet Memories...a Family is a little world Created by Love ~

Genesis 2:8
Further, Jehovah God planted a garden in Eʹden,+ toward the east; and there he put the man whom he had formed.+

Sometimes, something as simple as a smile or a kind word is all it takes.
Anyone can change and follow God's will.

Lean on Jehovah, not mankind.
Learn from Him, take the time, He will teach you if you let Him.

Jehovah​—A God Who Teaches
“They will all be taught by Jehovah.”​—John 6:45.

We're all God's creation and He loves us all, He's well aware that we all sin, it doesn't matter how big or small, sin is sin...don't lose sight of that, everyone is given the opportunity to repent.
Hence why Jesus Christ was given as a sacrifice, for forgiveness of our sins. (1Peter 3:18) If you don't forgive, then you will not be forgiven, repent and follow Jesus examples, then lead by example.  

37 He said to him: “‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.’+ 38 This is the greatest and first commandment. 39 The second, like it, is this: ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’+

Love Jehovah...your God.

Deuteronomy 5:9, 10 
You must not bow down to them nor be led to serve them,+ for I, Jehovah your God, am a God who requires exclusive devotion,+ bringing punishment for the error of fathers upon sons, upon the third generation and upon the fourth generation of those who hate me,+ 10 but showing loyal love* to the thousandth generation of those who love me and keep my commandments.

Change your own ways.
Focus on what you're doing wrong and how you can change it, leave all else to Jehovah. 


The act of creating, or causing the existence of, someone or something. It can also refer to that which has been created or brought into existence.

Jesus Christ recognized Jehovah as the One who created humans, making them male and female. (Mt 19:4; Mr 10:6) Hence, Jehovah is fittingly and uniquely called “the Creator.”​—Isa 40:28.

It is because of God’s will that all things “existed and were created.” (Re 4:11) Jehovah, who has existed for all time, was alone before creation had a beginning.​—Ps 90:1, 2; 1Ti 1:17.

While Jehovah, who is a Spirit (Joh 4:24; 2Co 3:17), has always existed, that is not true of the matter of which the universe is made. Hence, when creating the literal heavens and earth, Jehovah did not use preexistent material. This is clear from Genesis 1:1

Thus, God used his active force, or “spirit” (Heb., ruʹach), to accomplish his creative purpose. The things he has created testify not only to his power but also to his Godship. (Jer 10:12; Ro 1:19, 20) And, as Jehovah “is a God, not of disorder, but of peace” (1Co 14:33), his creative work is marked with orderliness rather than chaos or chance. 

Jehovah’s first creation was his “only-begotten Son” (Joh 3:16), “the beginning of the creation by God.” (Re 3:14) This one, “the firstborn of all creation,” was used by Jehovah in creating all other things, those in the heavens and those upon the earth, “the things visible and the things invisible.” (Col 1:15-17

John’s inspired testimony concerning this Son, the Word, is that “all things came into existence through him, and apart from him not even one thing came into existence,” and the apostle identifies the Word as Jesus Christ, who had become flesh. (Joh 1:1-4, 10, 14, 17

As wisdom personified, this One is represented as saying, “Jehovah himself produced me as the beginning of his way,” and he tells of his association with God the Creator as Jehovah’s “master worker.” (Pr 8:12, 22-31) In view of the close association of Jehovah and his only-begotten Son in creative activity and because that Son is “the image of the invisible God” (Col 1:15; 2Co 4:4), it was evidently to His only-begotten Son and master worker that Jehovah spoke in saying, “Let us make man in our image.”​—Ge 1:26.

After creating his only-begotten Son, Jehovah used him in bringing the heavenly angels into existence. This preceded the founding of the earth, as Jehovah revealed when questioning Job and asking him: “Where did you happen to be when I founded the earth . . . when the morning stars joyfully cried out together, and all the sons of God began shouting in applause?” (Job 38:4-7

It was after the creation of these heavenly spirit creatures that the material heavens and earth and all elements were made, or brought into existence. And, since Jehovah is the one primarily responsible for all this creative work, it is ascribed to him.​—Ne 9:6; Ps 136:1, 5-9.

The Scriptures, in stating, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Ge 1:1), leave matters indefinite as to time. This use of the term “beginning” is therefore unassailable, regardless of the age scientists may seek to attach to the earthly globe and to the various planets and other heavenly bodies. The actual time of creation of the material heavens and earth may have been billions of years ago.

Satan the Devil


Definition: The spirit creature who is the chief adversary of Jehovah God and of all who worship the true God. The name Satan was given to him because of his becoming a resister of Jehovah. Satan is also known as the Devil, because he is the foremost slanderer of God. Satan is described as the original serpent, evidently because of his using a serpent in Eden to deceive Eve, and for this reason “serpent” came to signify “deceiver.” In the book of Revelation, the symbolism of a devouring dragon is also applied to Satan.

From where did Satan come?

All of Jehovah’s works are perfect; he is not the author of unrighteousness; so he did not create anyone wicked. (Deut. 32:4; Ps. 5:4

But, as is true of all of God’s intelligent creatures, this spirit son was endowed with free will. He abused his freedom of choice, allowed feelings of self-importance to develop in his heart, began to crave worship that belonged only to God, and so enticed Adam and Eve to listen to him rather than obey God. Thus by his course of action he made himself Satan, which means “adversary.”—Jas. 1:14, 15; see also page 372, under the heading “Sin.”

Why did not God destroy Satan promptly after he rebelled?

Serious issues were raised by Satan:

(1) The righteousness and rightfulness of Jehovah’s sovereignty.
Was Jehovah withholding from mankind freedom that would contribute to their happiness? Were mankind’s ability to govern their affairs successfully and their continued life truly dependent on their obedience to God? Had Jehovah been dishonest in giving a law that stated that disobedience would lead to their death? (Gen. 2:16, 17; 3:3-5)

(2) The integrity of intelligent creatures toward Jehovah.

So, did Jehovah really have the right to rule? By the deflection of Adam and Eve the question was raised: Did Jehovah’s servants really obey him out of love or might all of them abandon God and follow the lead being given by Satan? This latter issue was further developed by Satan in the days of Job. (Gen. 3:6; Job 1:8-11; 2:3-5; see also Luke 22:31.) These issues could not be settled by merely executing the rebels.

Not that God needed to prove anything to himself. But so that these issues would never again disrupt the peace and well-being of the universe, Jehovah has allowed ample time for them to be settled beyond all doubt.



Efforts to cause Jesus to stumble.

Throughout Jesus’ ministry he was in danger; Satan used human agents to oppose Jesus, trying either to cause him to stumble or to kill him. At one time the people were about to seize Jesus to make him king. But he would not consider such a thing; he would accept kingship only in God’s time and way. (Joh 6:15)

 As Jesus said, shortly before his death: “Now there is a judging of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out”​—completely discredited. (Joh 12:31)

Satan had a grip on all mankind through sin. But, knowing that Satan would soon bring about his death, Jesus, after celebrating his last Passover with his disciples, could say: “The ruler of the world is coming. And he has no hold on me.”​—Joh 14:30.

Continues to fight Christians

 And as in the case with Eve, Satan disguised his real nature and purposes by “transforming himself into an angel of light,” and he had agents, ministers who “also keep transforming themselves into ministers of righteousness.” (2Co 11:14, 15

Examples of these were the false apostles who fought against Paul (2Co 11:13) and those in Smyrna ‘who said they themselves were Jews, and yet they were not but were a synagogue of Satan.’ (Re 2:9) Satan never ceased in making accusations “day and night” against Christians, challenging their integrity, as he did Job’s. (Re 12:10; Lu 22:31

But Christians have “a helper with the Father, Jesus Christ, a righteous one,” who appears before the person of God in their behalf.​—1Jo 2:1.

What is a False Prophet?

What is Apostasy?

Know your religion, know who you're following and what you're being taught.

See blog post: What is False Religion?

Learn the truth for yourself, see also Trinity.

  1. (CHORUS)
    There is joy in your creation,
    In the message of salvation,
    And the Paradise to come.
    But to have your love forever
    Is a real and lasting treasure.
    You alone will prove to be
    Our joy eternally.
  2. (BRIDGE)
    This joy could not be ours
    Without the gift of your Son.
    His sacrifice has paid the price
    So joy could be ours for all time.

You can listen in any language, I love it in Portuguese too...
Vem de ti esta alegria
Que há em nós, a cada dia,
E em toda a criação.
Com coragem, divulgamos
O futuro que aguardamos
E a alegria que nos dá

Viver p’ra ti, Jeová!

Só é possível ser feliz
Vivendo p’ra ti;
E, graças ao resgate,
Vamos ter alegria sem fim!

Learn, study the bible, take the Interactive Online Course
use God's name...Jehovah 
and always pray in the name of Jesus Christ.

Please...Know the Difference. 
It means your Life.

This Bible study course requires no commitment and is interactive, self-guided, and free of charge. 
Do it in private, it is in many languages. Always, always make sure everything is backed by scripture.

Trust in Jehovah

~ Peace, Love and Joy ~