Thursday, April 23, 2020

Losing a Loved One, If Only...

What does it mean to lose someone you Love?

Imagine...imagine what it would be like to lose a loved one. How would that make you feel? Maybe you lost a loving parent, a spouse or a child, maybe your closest friend or even your most adored pet. It hurts.

One can be lost in many ways though, not just in death. Say they were taken or lost, or they just simply walked away...or maybe they just never really knew you all along, whatever it may be, you love them. So I ask again, when you imagine the loss of someone you deeply care about, how do you feel?

Jeremiah 50:33, 34
33 This is what Jehovah of armies says:
“The people of Israel and Judah are oppressed,
And all those taking them captive have held onto them.+
They have refused to let them go.+
34 But their Repurchaser is strong.+
Jehovah of armies is his name.+
He will surely plead their legal case,+
In order to give rest to the land+
And to bring agitation to the inhabitants of Babylon.”+

When I lost my parents, I cried for a very long time, I still miss them immensely. How many times I've wanted that warm embrace from my mom, a kind word, or that loving smile with unspoken words or to just see that smile on my dad's face when he was gardening. 

Well, what if that loved one is right in front of you and you want to reach out to them, but they won't listen. When you have a loved one who is lost and you want to show them the way, but they don't see you. How does it make you feel?

If only they would listen, if only they would look for you and see you, but they don't. Maybe they're distracted or influenced by something...if only. If only they would take a moments breath to search for you because you're right there and you want them to see you.

That's how Jehovah feels. He see's all of the children in this world...hurting, desperate, needing love and guidance. He made you and loves you, you are his child. If only...if only you would reach out to him and listen.

Ezekiel 11:17, 19
17 “Therefore say, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says: “I will also collect you from the peoples and gather you from the lands to which you have been scattered, and I will give you the land of Israel.+
19 And I will give them a unified heart,*+ and I will put a new spirit in them;+ and I will remove the heart of stone from their bodies+ and give them a heart of flesh,*+

It doesn't matter who you are or what you've done, how rich or how poor, or what your religious belief is, as long as you reach out to him wholeheartedly and repent, truly repent, he will be there for you. He will show you, he will guide you. He sent his very first creation, His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us, for our imperfections, to pay for our sins. He wants to forgive your imperfections, he gave the Love of one child to pay for the Love of many. He gave us all a way out of Satan's grasp, but we have to take it.


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First, you have to believe in Him, get to know Him, who He is, what He has done and what He will do. Then Trust in Him, He will take care of you.

Jeremiah 29:13, 14
13 “‘You will seek me and find me,+ for you will search for me with all your heart.+ 14 And I will let you find me,’+ declares Jehovah. ‘And I will gather your captives and collect you together out of all the nations and places to which I have dispersed you,’+ declares Jehovah. ‘And I will bring you back to the place from which I caused you to go into exile.’+

Now is the time, make the truth your own. The bible is a letter to all of us, with it's own unique message to each, as we ourselves are unique to Him, it's whom we are within ourselves. From within the womb, the first sounds, the first voice, the first movement was the start of how different you and I would become from any other. No one will ever know our innermost thoughts, but Jehovah knows. (Jeremiah 17:10) 

Believe in Him, Trust in Him, Draw Close to Him and He Will Draw Close to You.

What does it mean to worship? It means to LOVE Him unconditionally. When you know who He is, it comes natural. When we were born, we first loved our parents and looked up to them for guidance. Most of us would do anything we could to help our parents. So why not look up to your heavenly Father, and Love Him...he's waiting for you.

Jeremiah 30:3
 For “look! the days are coming,” declares Jehovah, “when I will gather the captives of my people, Israel and Judah,”+ says Jehovah, “and I will bring them back to the land that I gave to their forefathers, and they will possess it once again.”’”+

~ Peace, Love and Joy ~