Friday, April 17, 2020

For the Love of a Father

What is Free Will?

Many of us have reasons why we may lose our way, in my part, I lost faith. I never stopped loving Jehovah, I never blamed him for all of the evil things that had happened to me, I blamed myself for allowing myself to be put in those situations, for not being strong enough to walk away, for depending on "man" to solve my problems when I should have been relying on Jehovah all along. The problem is that I didn't know how, Satan made sure of it.

This is what Satan wants, he wants all of us to feel we have no hope, he wants us to believe that God is to blame, especially now that the time is near. The following link is for an article that will bring you back to 1984, it's very interesting how much world leaders then were worried about Armageddon.

The Divine Name That Will Endure Forever

We all have a choice to make, done with a beautiful gift given to us by Jehovah...Free Will.
Now the choice is yours, follow Jehovah's Will or lose your life indefinitely.
We are in the "last" of the last days.

A Free Moral Agent. Being made in God’s image, according to His likeness, man was a free moral agent. He had the freedom of choice to do good or bad. By his willing, loving obedience to his Creator, he was in a position to bring honor and glory to God far beyond that which the animal creation could bring. He could intelligently praise God for His wonderful qualities and could support His sovereignty. But Adam’s freedom was a relative freedom; it was not absolute. He could continue to live in happiness only if he acknowledged Jehovah’s sovereignty. This was indicated by the tree of knowledge of good and bad, from which Adam was forbidden to eat. Eating of it would be an act of disobedience, a rebellion against God’s sovereignty.​—Ge 2:9, 16, 17.
Since Adam was a “son of God” (Lu 3:38), his relationship to God was that of a son to a father, and he should have obeyed accordingly. Additionally, God created in man an innate desire to render worship. This desire, if perverted, would take man in the wrong direction and would destroy his freedom, bringing him into bondage to what was created instead of to the Creator. This, in turn, would result in man’s degradation.
A rebellious spirit son of God caused Adam’s wife Eve to sin, and she placed the temptation before Adam, who deliberately entered into rebellion against Jehovah. (Ge 3:1-6; 1Ti 2:13, 14) They became like those whom Paul later described in Romans 1:20-23. By his transgression Adam lost his sonship and perfection and he introduced sin, with imperfection and death, to his offspring, the entire human race. Even at birth, they were in the image of their father Adam, imperfect, with death working in their bodies.​—Ge 3:17-19; Ro 5:12

“The Man We Are Inside.” In speaking of the conflict of the Christian, including that with the fallen, sinful flesh, the Bible uses the expressions “the man I am within,” “the man we are inside,” and similar phrases. (Ro 7:22; 2Co 4:16; Eph 3:16) These expressions are appropriate because Christians have been “made new in the force actuating [their] mind.” (Eph 4:23) The driving force or inclination of their mind is in a spiritual direction. They are making efforts to “strip off the old personality [literally, old man]” and clothe themselves with the “new personality [literally, new (one)].” (Col 3:9, 10; Ro 12:2) In being baptized into Christ, anointed Christians have been “baptized into his death”; the old personality has been impaled, “that [the] sinful body might be made inactive.” But until their death in the flesh and their resurrection, the fleshly body is still there to fight the ‘spiritual man.’ It is a difficult contest, about which Paul says, “In this dwelling house we do indeed groan.” But the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ covers the sins of the old personality with fleshly desires working in its members, unless these Christians give in and deliberately go the way of the flesh.​—Ro 6:3-7; 7:21-25; 8:23; 2Co 5:1-3.

In this dwelling house we do indeed groan.” I know that feeling all to well. I'm sure it's different for all of us. I had made choices to rid my flesh many times over so I didn't have to deal with the sin of the world. I've returned to Jehovah, that fear is no longer there. Now I'm doing the best I can to live sin free, perfectly-imperfect. Not an easy task, but well worth work. 

In turn, Satan is doing his best in hopes I don't succeed and although I no longer focus on ending my life, he still has me caged in within my earthly flesh, he will not succeed, he will not take my spirit away, Jehovah will see to that. The Truth will set you free, the only truth you will find is in the Holy Scriptures.

What Bible do I choose? 

I chose the NWT of The Holy Scriptures -
the only bible I know that does not remove Jehovah's name, I've compared many.
Update 08/27/21: ASV ~ the only Bible that didn't remove or add God's name to the Bible and is closest in word for word translation. The current Old Testament manuscripts available do not have the Divine Name, therefore, adding the name would be just as bad as removing it.
What is God's Name?
Exodus 3:14 ASV — And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.

Exodus 3:15 ASV — And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, Jehovah, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.

Psalm 83:18 ASV — That they may know that thou alone, whose name is Jehovah, Art the Most High over all the earth.

I put all of my Love and Trust in Jehovah/Yahweh ~ Jeova' always...For the Love of a Father, a Free Spirit.
Proverbs 3:5-6 ASV — Trust in Jehovah with all thy heart, And lean not upon thine own understanding: In all thy ways acknowledge him, And he will direct thy paths.
The Spiritual Man. The apostle contrasts the spiritual man with the physical man. He says: “But a physical [literally, soulical] man does not receive the things of the spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him.” (1Co 2:14) This “physical man” does not mean merely one living on earth, one with a fleshly body, for, obviously, Christians on earth have fleshly bodies. The physical man here spoken of means one who has no spiritual side to his life. He is “soulical” in that he follows the desires of the human soul to the exclusion of spiritual things.

~ Peace, Love and Joy ~